Good Gut Choices you can make from today
Gut health is one of the most important facets of overall health and well-being, yet most people don’t give it enough attention. The health of your digestive system affects everything from your ability to absorb nutrients to your physical energy levels and weight control.
Bellyache and bloating after eating are signals from your gut.
If your gut feels like it needs an "out of order" sign, some routine well-being checks can have a big impact in healing your gut.
And the tips we're giving aren't just for a good gut, they also help in other ways so you can feel better and live healthier today.
Let's go back to gut basics because getting the basics right consistently is key to good gut health!
1. How to improve gut health: Drink more water
Staying properly hydrated may be one of easiest things you can do for a healthy gut, but it’s also one of those things we tend to forget.
Water is essential for keeping your digestion on track, so don’t let yourself get too dehydrated - your gut system need plenty of water to work effectively.
An easy way to make sure you’re staying hydrated? Carry around a water bottle with you and take regular sips throughout the day. Or put reminders in your phone until it becomes a habit.
2. The best bloated stomach remedies: Eat more fibre and vegetables
Diets low in fibre tend to increase inflammation and decrease good gut bacteria, while diets high in fibre reduce inflammation and increase good gut bacteria.
If you are trying to lose weight or reduce bloating and inflammation, fibre is a must. Incorporate these high-fibre foods into your diet: whole grains (like quinoa, brown rice, and oats), vegetables, nuts and seeds.
Your gut thrives on fibre and other nutrients found in vegetables.
There's loads of ways to add veg inventively to your meals. And if you're finding it hard, you can consider adding veg to your smoothies and juices, making veg soups and giving it a good old blend, adding 'pasta' or 'rice' made of veg or adding to your favourite curry to add the extra goodness back into your meals and routine.
Gradual good gut choices build up over time.
3. Bloated belly? Increase how much you walk
When it comes to improving gut health, an easy first step is getting more exercise.
Because if there’s one thing that we all know about gut health, it’s that even a small amount of exercise has a very strong effect on what happens in your digestive system.
A small 2017 study of 20 healthy adults with fatty liver disease found that those who exercised for only 10 minutes at low intensity twice a day had less inflammation and fewer gut problems than those who didn’t exercise.
4) Upset stomach or tummy just not feeling right? Get plenty of rest
A good night’s sleep helps promote good digestion, making food easier to absorb and less likely to cause gas and bloating.
When our bodies don’t get enough rest, they produce a stress hormone called cortisol that causes inflammation in our intestines.
That inflammation makes it harder for us to break down food properly, which means we aren’t absorbing nutrients as well - leading to more weight gain and nutrient deficiencies.
Make small good gut choices - your gut will thank you for it
Making small good gut choices will make sure your insides stay healthy - and allow you to get on with living life.
Check out these articles to help you heal your gut:
Stop the Shame – We’ve GUT You
Breaking down the stigma of gut health issues, one sachet at a time
Gut Wealth® Offers
No two guts are the same!
Gut Wealth® liquid food supplement works with your very own gut microbiome to build gut health that’s right just for you, helping to boost your immunity and relieve abdominal discomfort and bloating.
Just like any investment, everything counts but consistency is key!
Gut Wealth® comes in a handy 15g single-serve sachet, for smart, no-brainer daily maintenance of gut health.
It has a mild citrus flavour with no aftertaste, unlike other supplements. And, there’s no need to measure or mix Gut Wealth® with any other liquids, although you can mix it with your preferred hot or cold drinks.
Blog posts
Su shares why she chooses Gut Wealth to support her digestion during menopausal changes
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Karlie shares why she love Gut Wealth
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Sabrina's 4 week review of Gut Wealth
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